How to Use a Symbicort Inhaler: A Step-by-Step Guide

Category: Drug Information


Posted on June 28, 2024

Scott is passionate about health and wellness, and enjoys writing on various topic surrounding these fields. Scott lives in Seattle and spends his free time restoring old furniture and playing pickleball with his friends.

Do you ever feel like managing asthma or COPD is a full-time job? Between tracking symptoms and juggling various medications, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, especially when it comes to using inhalers correctly.

Enter the Symbicort inhaler, your ally in simplifying this daily routine. This guide will walk you through how to use a Symbicort inhaler with precision to ensure you get the full benefit of each dose. Let’s turn your struggle for breath into a breath of relief; because everyone deserves to breathe easier without the hassle.

Preparing Your Symbicort Inhaler

Before you start using your Symbicort inhaler, you need to prepare it correctly to ensure it works as intended. Remove the inhaler from its foil packaging and mark the date on the box to track when it was first used.

If this is your first time using the inhaler, you need to prime it. Priming the inhaler is essential to make sure it delivers the right dose of medication. Hold the inhaler upright and shake it well for five seconds.

Remove the mouthpiece cover by gently squeezing both sides and pulling it out. Point the inhaler away from you and release a test spray. Shake it again for another five seconds and release a second test spray.

This process ensures that the inhaler is ready to deliver the proper Symbicort dosage.

If you haven’t used your inhaler for more than seven days, or if you accidentally drop it, you need to prime it again. This step is crucial to ensure the inhaler works effectively when you need it.

How to Use a Symbicort Inhaler

Using the inhaler correctly is key to managing your asthma or COPD effectively. Here are the inhaler instructions you need to follow:

First, shake your inhaler well for five seconds. Take off the mouthpiece cover, inspect for any foreign materials, and exhale completely to clear your lungs.

Hold the inhaler up to your mouth, placing the white mouthpiece fully inside and closing your lips around it. Make sure the inhaler is upright and that the opening of the mouthpiece points toward the back of your throat.

Inhale deeply and slowly through your mouth while pressing down firmly and fully on the top of the inhaler to release the medicine. Continue to breathe in and then hold your breath for about ten seconds, or for as long as it is comfortable.

Before you breathe out, release your finger from the top of the inhaler. Keep the inhaler upright and remove it from your mouth.

To get the full prescribed Symbicort dosage, shake your inhaler again for five seconds and repeat the steps above. Proper technique ensures that you get the maximum benefit from the medication, which is crucial for effective asthma management and COPD treatment.

After Using Your Symbicort Inhaler

Once you have used your inhaler, it’s important to take a couple of extra steps. First, put the cover back on the mouthpiece to keep it clean.

Then, rinse your mouth with water and spit it out. Don’t swallow the water. This helps prevent infections and other side effects that can occur from the residual medication in your mouth.

Reading the Actuation Counter

The actuation counter on your inhaler is a helpful tool for monitoring the amount of medication you have left. After priming the inhaler for the first time, the counter will read either 120 or 60, depending on the size provided to you. Each time you release a puff from the inhaler, the counter will count down by one.

When the counter approaches 20, you will notice it entering the yellow zone. This indicates that it’s time to call for a refill. Discard the inhaler when the counter reaches zero or three months after you first opened it, whichever comes first.

Even if the inhaler seems to be working, you won’t get the correct dose of medication once it’s empty.

Tips to Maximize Your Medication’s Effectiveness

To get the most out of your Symbicort inhaler, follow these tips. First, keep your inhaler in a place where you’ll remember to use it. This could be somewhere visible, like next to your toothbrush or on your nightstand.

Regular use is essential for effective asthma management and COPD treatment.

Keep track of the number of doses remaining in your inhaler so you’ll know when to refill your prescription. This helps avoid running out of medication unexpectedly.

Use Symbicort exactly as prescribed by your doctor, typically twice a day, in the morning and evening. Consistency is key to managing your respiratory condition effectively.

While taking Symbicort, do not use another medicine that contains a long-acting beta2-adrenergic agonist (LABA). Symbicort already contains this type of medication, and using another one could increase your risk of side effects.

Symbicort is not a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. If your symptoms do not improve or become more severe, contact your doctor immediately.

Cleaning Your Symbicort Inhaler

Cleaning your Symbicort inhaler is necessary to ensure it continues to work properly. You should clean the white mouthpiece every seven days.

Remove the gray mouthpiece cover by gently squeezing both sides and pulling it out. Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe the inside and outside of the white mouthpiece.

Avoid using water or taking the inhaler apart, as this can damage the device. After cleaning, replace the mouthpiece cover. Regular cleaning prevents medication buildup and ensures the inhaler functions correctly.

Get the Most from Your Inhaler

After mastering how to use a Symbicort inhaler with our step-by-step guide, taking control of your respiratory health has never been more straightforward. From priming your inhaler to maximizing each dose, you’re now equipped to manage your symptoms effectively.

At PricePro Pharmacy, we understand the importance of accessible healthcare. That’s why we offer Symbicort inhalers at significantly reduced prices, making it easier for you to invest in your health without financial burden.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to improve your quality of life. Check our prices for the Symbicort Inhaler online today and breathe a little easier tomorrow.

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