Xiidra’s Cost Explained: Why is This Dry Eye Medication So Pricey?

Category: Medical FAQ


Posted on June 19, 2024

Scott is passionate about health and wellness, and enjoys writing on various topic surrounding these fields. Scott lives in Seattle and spends his free time restoring old furniture and playing pickleball with his friends.

Dry eye disease (DED) is prevalent in America. In fact, about 16 million Americans have it, making it one of the most widespread eye health problems across the country.

If you’re struggling with dry eye, Xiidra is a popular prescription medication that can help manage your symptoms. However, in general, costs for Xiidra tend to be higher than costs for many alternative medications.

The high price tag might leave you wondering, “Why is Xiidra so expensive?” In this guide, we’ll unveil Xiidra’s cost factors and look at budget-friendly ways to treat your eyes.

Why is Xiidra So Expensive? 

Xiidra (ophthalmic Lifitegrast solution) is currently only available as a brand-name drug. Brand-name drugs tend to be expensive because of their high initial costs. These costs usually cover research and development (R&D), patenting, marketing, and branding.

Once the patent for a brand-name drug expires, other manufacturers can produce generic versions. These generic drugs have the same active ingredients and offer the same benefits as brand-name drugs. However, they don’t have the same high development costs. This allows manufacturers to sell them at lower prices.

Since Xiidra doesn’t have a generic version yet, the costs associated with its development are still reflected in its price. This is the major reason why they’re expensive to buy.

A Look at Different Factors That Can Affect Xiidra’s Cost

The prices of Xiidra can differ greatly depending on various factors. These include your insurance coverage, any manufacturer rebates or coupons, and where you purchase your medication from. Here’s a lowdown on some common variables that may influence how much you’ll pay include:

Your Treatment Plan

Several different factors can cause dry eyes, and every person’s condition is unique. A tailored treatment plan is crucial to ensure the best patient outcomes, as it considers your specific symptoms.

The length and frequency of your treatment are key Xiidra price factors. If your doctor prescribes Xiidra for a long period, your costs will be higher compared to a shorter treatment plan. Also, the dosage and how often you need to use it will affect your total expense.

Your Insurance Coverage

Whether or not you have insurance coverage is another crucial consideration. The cost of Xiidra is generally lower with insurance than without insurance.

Some insurance plans might cover more of the cost of Xiidra, while others might cover less. Check with your insurance provider to see how much they will pay and what your out-of-pocket costs will be.

Availability of Generic Alternatives

Generic versions of Xiidra aren’t available yet. If available, they may be less expensive while still providing similar effectiveness. This can significantly reduce the cost of Xiidra medication for users on a tight budget.

The Pharmacy You Use

Xiidr’s prices can vary between different pharmacies, even within the same area. Some pharmacies may offer discounts or have special pricing agreements that make Xiidra more affordable. Shopping around and comparing prices at different pharmacies is a good idea to find the best deal.

Tips to Save Money on the Cost of Xiidra 

Managing dry eyes shouldn’t break the bank. If the cost of Xiidra medication is a major concern, you can take it to reduce the financial burden.
Here are some effective ways to make expensive dry eye treatments more affordable:

Sign Up for Pharmacy Loyalty Cards

Many pharmacies offer loyalty cards or programs that can help you save money on prescriptions. These programs often provide discounts, cashback, or points that you can redeem for future purchases. It’s a simple way to reduce the cost of your medication over time without much effort.

Look for Coupons

Coupons can significantly lower the cost of Xiidra. Check the official Xiidra website for any available coupons or discounts. You can also look at third-party coupon websites or ask your pharmacy if they know of any current deals. These discounts can make a big difference in your overall medication expenses.

Consider Less Expensive Xiidra Alternatives

If Xiidra is too expensive, ask your doctor about cheaper brand-name alternatives. There might be other medications that can effectively treat your dry eyes without the high price tag.

Exploring branded drug alternatives can help you find a more affordable solution without sacrificing quality. However, these might not be an option if your doctor writes “do not substitute” on the prescription.

Buy Online

Buying Xiidra online can often be cheaper than purchasing it at a local pharmacy. Many online pharmacies offer competitive prices and discounts. Just make sure to use a reputable source to ensure you’re getting the genuine product.

Additionally, some online pharmacies might offer bulk purchase options which can further reduce the cost.

Get a 90-Day Supply of Xiidra

Purchasing a 3-month supply of Xiidra can often be cheaper than buying a monthly supply. Many pharmacies offer discounts for buying in bulk, which can lower your overall costs.

This approach also means fewer trips to the pharmacy, saving you time and effort.

Find an In-Network Pharmacy

If you have insurance coverage, using a pharmacy that is within your insurance network can lower your costs. Pharmacies outside your network might charge higher prices, and your insurance may not cover as much of the cost.

Seek Financial and Insurance Assistance

There are various financial assistance programs and insurance plans that can help cover the cost of Xiidra. Check if you qualify for any patient assistance programs offered by the manufacturer or non-profit organizations.

Additionally, review your insurance plan to see if your insurance provider offers better coverage options for your medication needs. These resources can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.

Maximize Your Prescription Cost Savings with PricePro Pharmacy 

Why is Xiidra so expensive? This is a common question for people with dry eyes. Knowing the answer can help you manage your condition without breaking the bank.

Looking to save big on your prescriptions? Look no further than PricePro Pharmacy! Our network of trusted international pharmacies and Canadian partners allows you to save up to 80% on your US prescriptions.

Don’t wait — order Xiidra online now.

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